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2-10-11 Fine Arts Commission Minutes
Meeting of February 10, 2011

Chair Karen Howe called the meeting of the Fine Arts Commission to order at 7:02 p.m.

PRESENT: Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe; Glynis McKenzie; Judy Okeson;
                    Florence Schroeter; Sue Tukey; Prescille Yamamoto.

ABSENT:   Regina Barall; Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien (excused); Maureen Rodgers (excused);
       Betty Russell (excused); Dan Russell (excused); John Ryan  (excused); Roberta Sweeney.

MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Sue Tukey
To approve the minutes of January 13, 2011

III.    CHAIR’S REPORT                                  No report at this time.
  • Thank you from Bea Piersa for the Donald Boudreaux program held for the children.
  • Mayor Leclerc informing the Commission Chairs of the town budget freeze.
  • Wadsworth Atheneum programs
  • New Britain Museum of American Art
  • Nathan Quesnel, Principal of EHMS, thanking the Commission for their support.   
Art – Art League Demonstrations - 3/13 Luciana Heinemann
Terrye Blackstone reported that Jeff Feldman will be presenting his program on Sunday, February 13 at 2:00 p.m.  The Commission approved a $150 honorarium for this program.

Luciana Heinemann will be doing a Landscape and Flowers program on March 13, 2011.  She will be given a $175 honorarium.

Children’s Programs
Prescille Yamamoto has contacted the UConn Puppeteers, she is waiting to hear back from them.

EHSYF   - Cabaret – April 9, 2011.
Glynis McKenzie reported that the EHSYF has been granted the rights for “Wiz”.  Karen Howe reported the EHSYF will be looking for donations from past members, looking for corporate sponsors and she will be writing grants for assistance in producing this event.

East Hartford Public Schools Mini-Grant
The clerk reported that letters were sent to the teachers, the check was issued and given to Laura White for distribution.

Dance                                           No report.                                      
Drama/Lecture/Poetry – May 2011 No report.

Music – Paul Bisaccia program on May 15, 2011 from 2:00-4:00 pm First Church
Florence has already received the posters for the May performance.  She will bring them to a meeting after the information is placed on them. Prescille Yamamoto agreed to do labels to place on the posters with the pertinent information.

Terrye Blackstone stated that First Church has been very generous to the Fine Arts Commission in the use of their facility as well as the women’s group hosting our events.  

MOTION          By Terry Blackstone
                        Seconded by Sue Tukey
        To donate $200 to First Congregational Church for the use of the Church for various Fine Art Commission performances.
                        Approved (one abstention – G. McKenzie).

        The clerk will write a letter to the Church along with the donation.

The clerk reported in the absence of John Ryan.  John stated that if any sub-committee is in need of extra funding he stated that the $100 for Photography may be used. 
Film Series  - Gigante 2/12/11; The Beat that My Heart Skipped (France) 3/12/11 7 pm
Glynis McKenzie reported that information was in the Gazette, Journal Inquirer, Hartford Courant and Reminder.
It was decided that if there are not many people in attendance for the February movie, she will do a $100 ad in the Gazette for the March 12 movie.
        Additional $300 needed to fund Film Series:
Discussion was held and it was decided that when monies in the Film Series budget run out additional funding will be found within the Fine Arts budget.  

      VI.       OLD BUSINESS                                            
        Historian Materials – this will be on the March agenda again due to the number of Commissioners absent.
(Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien has requested that another Commissioner be responsible for the Historian materials until she can return to the meetings.)
        Regina Barall informed the clerk that she does NOT have the punch bowl.
VII.  NEW BUSINESS                                      None.
                        Theresa Godreau                         $   80.00
                First Church Donation (Expenses)        $200.00
                Luciana Heineman (Art)                  $175.00

MOTION          By Prescille Yamamoto
                        Seconded by Glynis McKenzie
                        To pay the bills as submitted.
        Terrye Blackstone reported that the Art League Festival will be held Saturday, May 7, 2011.                             .
MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Sue Tukey
To adjourn the meeting at 7:40  p.m.

The next Fine Arts Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 10, 2011 at the EHCCC, 50 Chapman Place, Room 12.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa A. Godreau, Clerk